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Ministries & Outreach

Love INC of Lake County

Love INC of Lake County aims to help transform lives and communities in the Name of Christ.  Volunteers work with disadvantaged individuals who are motivated to rebuild their lives through education and the Gospel.  First Presbyterian Church supports Love INC by facilitating an annual coat distribution, assisting with furniture delivery, and hosting life skills classes.  


For more information, call 847-782-8630 or visit the Love INC of Lake County website.

The Gideons International

The Gideons International has its roots as an association of Christian businessmen placing Bibles in hotel rooms.  Founded in 1899, its mission has evolved into providing Scriptures to all people across the globe.  The Gideons are an advocate for the lost to bring them the saving knowledge of the Word through evangelism, Scripture distribution, and personal witnessing at various events in Chicagoland.


For more information about The Gideons, visit their website.

Bible Studies
Wednesday Morning
Women's Study
Wednesday Evening
Bible Study
Monthly Men's
Bible Study

Join us weekly on Wednesdays at  9:30am for Bible Study consisting of a video presentation, study guide, and group discussion.  This group typically works through 2-3 studies each year, chosen by consensus among members based on their current spiritual needs.



Send a note through the

Contact Us page for more information.



You are invited to join us on Wednesday evenings from 7:00pm to 8:15pm for Bible Study, fellowship, and prayer.  We often go deeper into the previous sermon text, asking questions, sharing insights, and discussing applications. 



 Join us from 9:00am to 10:00am on the first Friday of the month for Bible Study and prayer.  We begin with our study and also leave plenty of time for intercessory prayer.  We lift each other up to the Lord and also pray for whatever issues or situations are brought up.


Currently meeting on Zoom.


Send a note through the

Contact Us page for log-in information.


Bible Studies
Group Ministry

Strengthen your Faith through discussion and study by joining one of our Group Ministry classes.  Unless otherwise specified, classes meet for one hour, beginning at 11am on Sundays.

Biblical Studies
Prayer Group
Girl Holding BIble

Adult Sunday School



Led by:


On Sundays during the school year, the Adult Sunday School, led by a rotating roster of Elders, meets from 11:00am to 12:00pm.  Newcomers are always welcome.  The group studies various biblical and theological topics, often working through books together or engaging with video lectures from noted teachers, such as R.C. Sproul and Sinclair Ferguson.

Children's Sunday School

Room 106


Led by:



This mixed-ages group for Pre-K through Grade 5 covers core Bible stories, memory verses, and Christian fundamentals using a variety of resources.  The first 15 minutes of class includes rehearsal for Joyful Noise and Praise Ringers our children's musical groups.

Music Groups
Music Groups

We are blessed to have many musically talented people in our church participating in the Westminster Choir, Praise Band, Impromptu Bells, and Philharmonic.  In addition, Joyful Noise is a fun program for the young children which includes making music with “boomwhackers.”  Our Praise Ringers for the older children which includes making music with hand chimes. 


The Westminster Choir rehearses every other Thursday night and the Philharmonic monthly on  Sunday.  The Praise Band, Impromptu Bells, Praise Ringers and Joyful Noise rehearse and perform regularly as well.


Anyone interested is participating in our music program is very welcome – please contact our Director of Music, Beth Naegele, for details.

Fun & Fellowship

​Fellowship activities have resumed.  Our members and guests enjoy the following activities on a regular basis:


  • ​​Men's Monthly Luncheon -- Join the men of First Presbyterian at noon on the third Monday of each month for a Dutch Treat lunch and fellowship at a local eatery.  

  • Church Potlucks  -- Held once a month, following the worship service.  Join us for lunch and a time to meet as a congregation and discuss what's happening in the Church and in the world.

Fun & Fellowship

There are several ways you can help out and enjoy working with others at the same time.  Volunteers are always needed and appreciated in many areas, such as:


  • Clean-up days, inside and out, Spring and Fall.

  • Love INC, facilitate Thursday evening classes

  • Nursery attendant

  • Fellowship hour clean-up

  • Set-up and clean-up around special events

  • Providing transportation to and from church for those in need

  • Greeting attendees on Sunday mornings

  • Decorating the sanctuary for key holidays and seasons


If you are interested in helping out in any of these areas, or would just like to volunteer your time in general, please call the church office for more information or fill out the contact form on the Giving page.  Please also remember to watch for special announcements in the bulletin regarding opportunities to volunteer.

Helping Hands
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